“Currently the use of eRUPI is popular for use-cases like disbursal of government benefits, primarily for Covid 19 vaccinations. The former cap of Rs.10k also restricted its use for smaller value use-cases. This cap is now enhanced for government use-cases upto Rs. 1 Lakh, broadening the scope of eRUPI issue to larger value use-cases. eRUPI’s key benefit for governments is in enabling penetration among the unbanked and feature phone users, allowing issue without needing the recipient’s bank account or KYC. The proposal will further help in the delivery of various government schemes to the beneficiaries more efficiently. In addition to govt issued vouchers, extending this new cap to other B2C use-cases should also be considered, by improving the acquiring infrastructure for eRUPI and integrating it with existing POS systems. This will also encourage its use by private corporates and for other customer segments as well, such as larger value corporate gifting, transit/payroll/student cards, forex travel cards, etc.” said Reeju Datta, Co-Founder, Cashfree Payments