Apple has introduced two of its latest iPad and iPad Mini from its Apple event 2021. The company has used the A13 Bionic chipset in the new iPad and iPad Mini. Introduced with Apple Pencil support, the tablet runs on iPad OS 15. The company has enlarged the display by reducing the bezel. Also, the Touch ID has been replaced with a button at the top. Let us know about iPad 2021 and iPad Mini.
Apple iPad 2021
No changes have been made to the design of Apple’s latest iPad 2021. The new version has a 10.2-inch display. This display supports 1620 x 2160 pixels resolution. For processing, the iPad is powered by the company’s A13 Bionic chipset, which is 20 percent faster than the old iPad. The iPad 2021 runs on Apple’s latest iPadOS 15. It has an 8MP rear camera for photography. The iPad comes with an upgraded 12MP Ultra-Wide front camera.
Price of Apple iPad 2021
The Wi-Fi model of the Apple iPad 2021 will be available in India at a starting price of Rs 30,900. The Wi-Fi + Cellular model will be priced at Rs 42,900. The new iPad Space will be available in India in Gray and Silver colors. The new iPad will be available for purchase in the US from September 24. But the availability in India is not yet known.
Apple iPad Mini 2021
The new iPad Mini supports an 8.3-inch display, with a maximum brightness of 500 nits. The company’s latest A15 Bionic chipset is offered in the Mini iPad. It has a USB-C port for the first time with a Touch ID embedded lock button. The Apple Mini iPad comes with 5G connectivity. For photography, it has a 12MP rear camera sensor, which can record 4K videos. It also has a 12MP ultraviolet camera with center stage feature.
Price of Apple iPad Mini 2021
The new iPad mini will start at Rs 46,900 in India and will be a Wi-Fi only model. The Wi-Fi + Cellular model of the iPad mini will cost Rs 60,900 in the country. Both the models will be available in 64GB and 256GB storage variants. The iPad will be available in Black, White, Dark Cherry, English Lavender and Electric Orange.