The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Making a Difference in 2021

The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Making a Difference in 2021

The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Making a Difference in 2021




Leader of the year

Anil Goyal: An Employee turned entrepreneur, Leading the ultimate financial business partner, Capsavvy

Anil Goyal: An Employee turned entrepreneur, Leading the ultimate financial business partner, Capsavvy

Founder & MD of CapSavvy Consultants Pvt Ltd., Anil Goyal is the living example of classic entrepreneurial spirit that pivoted an employee to become an entrepreneur. It was back in 2019 when he started the journey towards greater heights of achievements after working for 25 years for different companies. Mr Anil is a certified Business […]


Pluripotent Diagnostics Corp. | Founder & CEO | Sean James Miller: A Healthcare Pioneer, Introducing Advanced Solutions in Neurodegenerative Early Disease Detection

Sean James Miller: A Healthcare Pioneer, Introducing Advanced Solutions in Neurodegenerative Early Disease Detection

Dr. Sean James Miller, a renowned neuroscientist with well over 1000 scientific citations, is the founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Pluripotent Diagnostics Corp. (PDx). A researcher with experience and insight, the doctoral degree holder from the prestigious Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Sean James has a career spanning more than 13 years. Over the […]

Founder & CEO | Plug The Sun | Walter Marin: Stimulating the future of solar energy with innovative solutions

Walter Marin: Stimulating the future of solar energy with innovative solutions

Walter Marin, Founder & CEO of Plug The Sun, is a successful versatile leader with extensive global experiences across domains and solar management. He is spearheading the company’s rapid growth with his vision to create a transformation in the world of the emerging solar home system and micro/minigrid, making a difference in the lives of […]

How passion drives innovation: Dr. Darya Yegorina, CleverBooks | Founder

How passion drives innovation: Dr. Darya Yegorina, CleverBooks

Building a company is never an easy task. Things that look so easy outside are most likely to be the hardest ones. The journey of building a company from an idea is the way to chase a dream leaving your comfort zone behind, taking risky decisions with the goal to control your destiny and change […]