Four Tech Skills You Should Start Learning During Quarantine

Being in isolation gives people enough time to think, reflect, and spend time with their loved ones. However, since many people lost their jobs because of employers’ new demands, dealing with expenses has become a struggle. Nowadays, the need for remote workers is skyrocketing, and learning in-demand programming skills will increase your job opportunities.

Remote learning has become popular these days, and online coding bootcamps are providing students with the right tools to get back in the game. If you’re thinking about starting a new learning process, you should read this article. The four tech skills listed below are among the best tools to learn during the quarantine. They are easy to learn and will help you prepare for any challenge that might come up in the future.


If you seek to change your lifestyle during quarantine, you can’t stop learning JavaScript. It’s become essential for developers and companies. It’s excellent for front as well as back end development and makes it easy to build sites. JS frameworks allow tech professionals to save time on coding and stay focused on the design. Learning JavaScript enables you to be a jack of all trades in web development. Hence, every company across the globe will love to have you on their team.

There are many ways to learn JavaScript and get a degree. However, coding bootcamps are among the most common ways to learn. This is because they allow students to learn from home and receive help from a career support team. If you’re willing to learn JS but need some extra information, don’t hesitate to visit Computer Science Hero’s site. It’ll allow you to know if web development is the right career for you and how you could start.

Web Design

Web designers and web developers often tend to accomplish similar tasks. Nevertheless, web designers usually focus on the UI and layout of web pages. They are the customers’ voice as they need to conduct interviews and surveys to know what users are looking for. Web designers play an essential role in increasing customers’ satisfaction. During their daily work lives, they do graphic design work to improve the appearance of sites and allow companies to meet users’ expectations. For Web designers, learning HTML and CSS is essential.

WordPress is an excellent tool for web design and enables professionals to build websites within minutes and without knowing how to code. It allows developers to use templates or create sites from scratch. Today, it powers over 30 percent of the Internet and learning how to use it will make you an attractive candidate. To learn web design skills, you can enroll in Thinkful’s online coding bootcamps or take online courses.

If you need to know more about what web designers do, what tools you should learn, and how much they earn, you can visit Bootcamp Rankings. It’ll help you to make your decision and determine what’s the best learning alternative for you. Still, don’t forget that big tech companies like Amazon and Google are searching for professionals with web design skills.


Learning cybersecurity skills is the best choice you can make during the quarantine. Day by day, tech devices are becoming essential to our lives. But, systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Learning how to deal with rapidly-advancing threats and how to catch hackers will put you on top-notch companies’ radar. Starting a career as a cybersecurity engineer can be challenging. Therefore, enrolling in Flatiron School’s bootcamp is the leap you should take.

Flatiron School is among the best coding schools in the US. The company is dedicated to students’ success. For that reason, they receive help from experts in the field and learn through hands-on projects. During their cybersecurity program, you’ll develop analytical skills that are crucial to standing out from the competition.


Data is becoming more valuable each day, and learning Python will make you an eye-catching employee. Today, most companies seek workers with Python skills not only because they can analyze processes to provide better results but because they can create machine learning solutions to offer more personalized services to customers. In other words, they are key to meet customers’ needs. On the other hand, data scientists have become pretty valuable to companies because they help them make better data-driven decisions.

According to Bootcamp Rankings, data scientists can make, on average, $108,000 per year, and more than 1,000 companies are hiring candidates with data science skills. If you wish to know how to become a data scientist, don’t hesitate to visit the Bootcamp Rankings site. It’ll enable you to understand better how the job is and what you need to work in the data science field.


Spending time at home without being able to go out can be frustrating. Also, if you feel stressed because of your expenses, you should consider learning these skills. They will help you move forward during this tough situation. If money is stopping you from learning, apply for an ISA. Many vocational schools are offering several financing options to help students relieve financial stress.

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